Real time price of BTC/ETH from first available exchange api.Updated once per 5 seconds.
BTC price:
ETH price:
About us
By traders
for traders
Our goal is to create best tool for traders. We process millions of data and aggregate them in real time in order to show you the unusual movements on financial markets, giving you the possibility to sort and filter as you prefer. We also offer you a fast way to access the exchanges links you are interested in , with one or two clicks depending on your settings.
Our data came from exchanges and we do our best efforts to have it full consistent with how is displayed on exchanges.However , due to lot of technical factors ( network slowness, network outages , exchanges sends data with delay...) we cannot guarantee that displayed data is perfectly accurate.Before investing in something based only on our website analysis you should check also if information is accurate on the exchange you want to invest. In following lines we will explain more how we use exchanges data and how is displayed in our application.
1) Column "Name" is divided in 3 parts :
I) Coin pair , which will open by default the links popup with all known links of a coin from all exchanges you configured to watch.For other configurations related to links we will speak in links configuration
II) The name of the exchange from which the statistics are displayed
III)Type of the displayed pair. S means spot, F means future(perpetual contracts).
2) Column "Price" represent the price of the displayed pair from the displayed exchange .The numeric value of price is displayed in the quote asset of a pair(as example in BTC_USDT pair quote asset is USDT). If the quote asset is BNB,ETH or BTC the price is displayed in USDT , calculated by multiplying the price with BNB/ETH/BTC current price. If the quote asset is a stable coin or a currency (EUR for example) the price will be displayed in that stable coin/currency (EUR in our example).
3) Column "Nr transactions" represent the number of trades that happened on the displayed pair from the displayed exchange in your chosen interval of time.
4) Column "Volume" represent the quantity * price traded on the displayed pair from the displayed exchange in your chosen interval of time. If the quote asset of the displayed pair is BNB,ETH or BTC the volume is calculated using price in USDT .
5) Column "% Last Move" represent the last movement in percentage of the displayed trading pair.Period filter play a very important role in percentage calculation. This percentage is calculated the same way for both positive and negative values.That means is a coin price drops for example from 120 to 100,the percentage change is -20% ,and not -16.66% as should normally be.We choose this display to be easier for traders the risks of high movements on the market. As a real example ,if a coin will increase from 10 to 30, that will means a positive movement of 200%. If same coins drops from 30 to 10 , normally the percentage should be -66.66% , but we display it as minus grow percentage , which in this case will be -200%. To determine if a coin is on a positive or negative movement, based on period of time , there is a % threshold that needs to be reached in order to reverse the movement:
- for 1 minute period , the threshold is 2% .
- for 5 minute and 10 minutes periods , the threshold is 5%;
- for 30 minutes and 1 hour periods ,the threshold is 10%;
Also , an important information for "% Last Move" calculation at this moment is starting time of our servers , which is also the starting point of calculation of "% Last Move" for all trading pairs. Our servers was restarted last time on .
6) Column "Price Speed" represent the total percentage difference between each trade in selected period of time.Trading on pairs with high price speed have the risk exponential with the speed.Coins with very low volume will also have the price speed proportionally decreased.
7) Column "Bull score" indicates the coins that moves very strong in a direction. If bull score have a big positive value , than on that coin is a strong positive movement.If have a big negative value, than on that coin is a strong negative movement. Bull score is a formula that use price speed, % last move and volume . As higher the bull score(negative or positive) , as higher the chance for that pair to reverse his movement.
Your settings are shared between all pages of a browser , so there is no advantage to have multiple tabs opens inside same browser.If you want to have multiple different configurations, then you need to use multiple browser.Your settings are saved when you close the settings page, or reset to default for first 2 sections . Now let s speak about what we can configure :
The period filter control the of course interval of time fields from table are calculated/displayed. However , he plays a very important role for "% last move" calculation, because it is calculated using a specific threshold for what means a grow or a drop on a trading pair value:
- for 1 minute period , the threshold is 2% .
- for 5 minute and 10 minutes periods , the threshold is 5%;
- for 30 minutes and 1 hour periods ,the threshold is 10%;
The unique coins setting will group the pairs by coin name when there are multiple with same name in your selection . Is important to know that there can be two different coins with same name grouped on different exchanges.The displayed pair in the main screen when unique coins is checked is always the one with the highest trading volume.
On the advanced section we can choose to watch just the pairs that respect some simple mathematics conditions.
In the links section, we can configure to open the exchange page when we click on pair link from main page with just one click.The link opened will be the same as the one that you configure in links order. If one click links is not selected, then a popup will be displayed , containing links in same order as in links order configuration. If you are watching data from multiple exchanges , the links will appear still in same order as in links order configuration , but one time for each exchange.
For notifications , in order to work first you need to enable them from your browser.When click on enable notifications from our website settings , browser should first time ask you if you want notification for our website.In case at any point in time , you disabled notifications for our website from browser settings, the setting from our website will have no effect and notifications will not be received .In order to make it work again you need to manually re-enable notifications from browser settings first.You can receive maximum 5 notifications per minute , and if you received for a coin a notification , for the next 10 minutes you will not receive again for that coin any notification. Those limits are applied at browser level , so if you have multiple browser opened with our website , you can receive for each of them maximum 5 notifications for minute. Those limitations was put mostly to not spam when you make a faulty configurations .
Notifications will appear based on your configuration , but will not be limited to what you see on the screen.So for example if you configured to receive a notification when any trading pair is moving more than 30% or more than -30% , when a trading pair will reach that amount ,even if on your screen you do not see that trading pair , you will still receive notifications. To be more clear, in your screen you see first 50 results based on your filters, ordered by what you prefer , but the notification will be sent based on all the results from your filters(not only first 50).
For notifications on mobile , for now at least ,the support is not so good. In Android you will receive notifications only if you visited recently the website on your mobile browser. For IOS , you need to follow additional steps to enable notifications in browser. A good example at this time for configuring notifications on IOS is this website .
For alarms, in order to work ,you need to check the alarm configuration and after each refresh of the page you need to do any action on our website (even a click random on any page is enough). This is due to browser policies and is not in our control.
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Thank you
As everything take time to be made , sometimes is simpler to find some things you need on the internet than to made them.We want to thank to the image creators from platform Flaticon for their effort in creating awesome images :
Settings icons created by Pixel perfect - Flaticon Up arrow icons created by Roundicons Premium - Flaticon Down arrow icons created by Handicon - Flaticon Arrange icons created by Andrejs Kirma - Flaticon Delete icons created by Kiranshastry - Flaticon User icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Menu-burger icons created by O.moonstd - Flaticon
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This policy explains what information we collect when you use our website.Our aim is to be fully transparent and earn your trust.
We don't collect data in order to advertise you . Everything that we store is necessary for our website to work properly and we also use those data in order to test our services/personalize our services/improve our website performance .
We are storing most of data on browser cache (technically is called local storage) and a part of it in our servers.To be as precise as we can, first time when you login we store an unique generated identifier in your browser and this will be used for all communications with our servers as long as you do not clear your browser cache.We also store on our server for some requests that happens between browser and our servers , your Internet Protocol Address , which help us to fight spam and other forms of abuse.
All configurations from our website (from settings icon) are kept in your browser cache.They are deleted only when you clear your browser cache.We always keep your latest changes to those configurations .Those configurations are needed also on the servers in order to show you relevant data and are kept on our servers as long as your browsing session is active. When your browser session is closed we will remove it from our servers in order to release resources and improve our servers performance . Of course , if you connect later again, those configurations need to be sent to our servers again.
We also store only in browsers cache latest notifications you received from our servers (in case you have then enabled). We do that for users that let the browser open over night (is working only if you have the browser opened) and they wanna see in the morning what notifications they missed.
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Coin name

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Risk warning
We strongly recommend to double check before investing based on trading statistics.As most of data is coming from external sources , various problems might occur. We do our best efforts to ensure data is correct , and we thank you for using our website.
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Base assets:
Refresh time:
Coin type:
Name,Exchange and coin type(S from right bottom means spot, F means future).Where on exchange name starts with 1000X ,the name will not contain the starting numeric part.
Price in stablecoins/currencies .For pairs in ETH/BTC/BNB , the price is converted using ETH/BTC/BNB price from exchange where volume is the biggest.
% Last Move
Last drop/grow in % that happens for the displayed coin from exchange and type as in the column coin name,in chosen period of time.Based on period, the % which decide what means grow/drop is different.Find more in website info.
Price Speed
The sum of % between buy and sell for all trades ,for the displayed coin from exchange and type as in the column coin name,in chosen period of time.Coins with very low volume will also have the price speed proportionally decreased.
Volume (price*quantity) that happens for the displayed coin from exchange and type as in the column coin name,in chosen period of time, calculated in stablecoins/currencies.
Nr transactions
Number of trades that happens for the displayed coin from exchange and type as in the column coin name,in chosen period of time.
Bull Score
When this numeric value is too big or too low , indicates that a coin is moving unusual.Is a formula that use price speed, % last move and volume.
Issue detected
We noticed that you connected/reconnected to our services more than 10 times in last 2 minutes . Normally you do not need to refresh the page in order to have data updated.From our knowledge , this can happen due to following reasons :
- lot of manual refreshes made by the user.
- unstable internet connection
- due to some browser cache inconsistency
If you got this annoying popup because you did lot of manual refreshes , we would be very thankful if you would use the website like it was intended to be used(refreshing maybe just after your computer is coming back from sleep and browser killed all website resources)
If you got this annoying popup because your internet connection is not stable, well, we hope that will be fixed, nothing you or us can do.
If you think your internet connection is stable and also you did not spammed the refresh ,you might wanna clear the browser cache for our website. Take in consideration that after you clear the cache , the website will be reset like first time when you accessed it.If you do not know how to clean it, simply type on your browser search ,how to clean browser data for one website, and for sure you will manage to do it.
We are sorry for this annoying popup, but we hope that you will try to fix the root cause of the issue , because after you will do it, you should have a better experience on our website and also our servers will respond faster to your requests . While the issue persist , you will see this popup once per hour, until is fixed. If you still have same issue after clearing browser cache, please Contact us.